Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Hawai'i
Connecting RPCV's Living in Hawai'i
FROM: Isabella Lallo - PCV from Maui, currently serving in Panama.
I hope this email finds you well! I am writing to you from Panama to give the RPCVs of Hawaii an update on my current service! I am currently working on a grant application, which I will hopefully be finishing in the next couple of weeks. The project that I am working on is adding an extra room onto the health post, where we can give informational talks on HIV/AIDS, STIs, and family planning, as well as a place where the community can find important resources such as condoms, rapid HIV tests, and menstrual products. That being said I have been very busy recently, coordinating with community members, engineers, local politicians, the ministry of health, etc. but we are moving forward with the project and I am very excited about it. Additionally, I am continuing to give English classes and sexual education in the school, which is going well.
All of that to say, I also want to thank you all again for the Aloha Care Package and share a brief video from the PCV who I shared the contents with! (The photo below is Bella's students wearing new garden gloves.)
WhatsApp Video 2024-07-29 at 11.07.22.mp4
Hope all is well!
All the best,
Bella Lallo
PCV Panama