Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Hawai'i
Connecting RPCV's Living in Hawai'i
RPCVs On Oahu
Helping our Peace Corps State Recruiter and our Peace Corps Campus Recruiters |
Our PC Recruiter was invited to participate in a community education morning with the Hokule’a. RPCVs joined the recruiter and met over 300 school children each day over a three day period in January 2025. Students (K-12) learned about the Hokule’a. Our PC group shared information on the flags of the countries where Peace Corps volunteers had served and where the Hokule’a had visited. |
Our Peace Corps State Recruiter and Campus recruiters were busy throughout 2024 at college campuses across the state, the Pacific Islands Festival in Honolulu, and at career fairs in Honolulu. RPCVs participated in all the recruiting events. |
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First time ever — Peace Corps sponsors a golf tournament on Oahu In March 2024, Peace Corps was a major sponsor in a local golf tournament, with the funds raised going to the Ke Kula Kamaliʻi ʻo Hānaiaulu (Hawaiian language immersion child care center). Peace Corps had an information table with food and giveways at the 6th tee of a local golf course. The PC volunteers were amazed and pleased that so many golfers knew of /or had family members who had served in the Peace Corps in the past. Definitely good for PC business. With all good luck we will be back in 2025. |
World Ocean Day, June 7, 2024. RPCVs were invited to an event sponsored by NOAA and Ko’olina Resorts for World Ocean Day. RPCVs who volunteered had a wonderful and very busy day talking to visitor and residents about Peace Corps, while learning about coral restoration projects. Our PC Staff member, Kahi Fuji made mosaics of the plastic retrieved from the local beach. Visitor learned about PC as well as having fun craft projects using all the retrieved plastics. |
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The 4th of July 2024 parade on Oahu Wonderful fun and good for Peace Corps and RPCVHI! In the parade audience, we found RPCVs visiting Oahu, but they live in Zambia - they stayed after Peace Corps service and return to Hawaii for visits. We handed them Peace Corps shirts PLUS Stress balls. And we will reconnect as Hawaii has a PCV in Zambia now! Our "handout/toss out" were Peace Corps stress balls. With only 1/3 of the parade behind us, RPCVs had given out all 500 stress balls! Next year - 1500 stress balls as the handouts! Below is a slideshow of July 4, 2024. |
October 19, 2024 Honolulu Pride Parade This was a first for RPCVHI—to participate in the Honolulu Pride Parade. We were float/entry #125 of over 150 entries. 4500 + residents and visitors watched the 3.5 mile parade along Kalakaua in Waikiki. We gave out over 2000 stress balls before the 1/2 way mark in the parade. We met MANY RPCVs along the route—some locals and some visitors. It was very good for Peace Corps recognition! |