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Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Hawai'i

Connecting RPCV's Living in Hawai'i

Peace Corps Recruitment & Events

Hawaii's Peace Corps Recruiter

Shannon Lykudra

(she, her, hers)

Regional Recruiter

Office of Volunteer Recruitment and Selection

Honolulu, HI

M: 202.515.8600

Grab some time with me here.

Hawai'i is fortunate to have a full time Peace Corps Recruiter, Shannon Lykudra.  Shannon arrived on Oahu in August 2023 and has been busy since her arrival.*

Currently, Hawai'i has 15 PCVs in service (or about to serve) in various countries around the world.  

RPCVHI members are welcome to assist Shannon at Recruiting Fairs, Career Fairs, and local community events.  RPCVHI members can "talk story" about Peace Corps Service - "the toughest job you will ever love".

MARCH 2025 IS A BUSY month!

March 21 and 22 are an issue right now. I still have not secured funding for the golf tournament and received some questions about the fishpond. I am considering rescheduling the fishpond. TBD.

If possible, it would be great to have an RPCV join me at Chaminade, and the Career and Community Court events but it isn’t necessary. I have already reached out to Maui RPCVs to help with the outreach there.

Click on this link to learn about Peace Corps events: Peace Corps - Attend a Peace Corps Event

Wed       3/5/2025    UH Manoa Career Fair

Fri         3/7/2025    Chaminade Career Fair  NEED RPCVS TO HELP.

Thu        3/20/2025  Career & Community Court (CCC) during the 4th Annual Journey Breakthrough Tournament (JBT)


Fri         3/21/2025   Career & Community Court (CCC) during the 4th Annual Journey Breakthrough Tournament (JBT)

Fri         3/21/2025   Hānaiaulu Golf Tournament OAHU TENTATIVE

Sat        3/22/2025   Career & Community Court (CCC) during the 4th Annual Journey Breakthrough Tournament (JBT)

Sat        3/22/2025   Fishpond Volunteer Day OAHU TENTATIVE

Mon       3/24/2025   Career and College Expo,  Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School - BIG ISLAND

Fri         3/28/2025   Virtual Info Session - Big Island Community Colleges

Fri         3/28/2025   Moanalua High School Language Fair Oahu

PC Golf Teams at Charity Golf event March 2024

Career Fair in Honolulu March 2024

World Ocean Day, June 7, 2024


Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Hawai'i
P.O. Box 29462
Honolulu, HI 96820-1862
United States of America

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